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Health and safety: Your questions answered

Understanding health and safety is critical for companies to protect their employees on the job. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the most common questions we get asked on the topic of workplace safety.  

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Health and safety FAQs

What should a health and safety policy include?

Your policy needs to outline: 

  • How you’re committed to health and safety  
  • Which individuals are responsible  
  • The processes you’ve put in place to identify and manage risk 
  • What happens in an emergency 
  • The safety training you have in place 
  • How you’ll communicate your health and safety policy to your staff
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Health and safety FAQs


Do I need a health and safety policy?
Who should write the health and safety policy?
What does the HSE do?
What is the Health and Safety at Work Act?
What is the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act?
What is corporate manslaughter?
What happens if you breach health and safety laws?
What should you do if there’s an accident at work?
What details do you need to include when you report an accident?
What is RIDDOR?
When would you create a RIDDOR report?
How do you submit a RIDDOR report?
What are the main health and safety regulations I should know about?
How can UK employers make sure they’re following health and safety rules?
What does UK law say about health and safety at work?
Do my employees need health and safety training?
When should you provide health and safety training?
What are toolbox talks?